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Works Cited

Douglas, Mary. 1995. Red Riding Hood: An Interpretation from Anthropology, Folklore, 106:1-2, 1-7, DOI: 10.1080/0015587X.1995.9715887


Handler, Richard, and Jocelyn Linnekin. 1984.“Tradition, Genuine or Spurious.” The Journal of American Folklore 97, no. 385: 273–90.


Hanks, Carole, and D. T. Hanks Jr. 1978. "Perrault's" Little Red Riding Hood": Victim of the Revisers." Children's Literature 7, no. 1 ( 68-77.


Jones, Steven Swann. 1987. "On Analyzing Fairy Tales:" Little Red Riding Hood" Revisited." Western Folklore 46, no. 2: 97-106.


Sims, Martha and Stephens, Martine. 2011, Living Folklore: An Introduction to the Study of People and Their Traditions, 2nd edition. Logan: Utah State University Press.


Tehrani, Jamshid. 2013, The Phylogeny of Little Red Riding Hood, Plos One, (8):11

Walsham, Alexandra. 2018. " Reformed folklore?". In The spoken word, Manchester, England: Manchester University Press,


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